The Human

To give you an understanding of the climate on your planet and why the world is the way it is today, it’s because humanity couldn’t handle its true gifted power during the ancient times. You’ve probably heard this before.

During the time of Atlantis, humanity had incredible power. However, the power was abused and then it was gone. Ever since the dying days of Atlantis, humanity has been preparing to retake its power.

Why all the negativity on the planet? The human is in training to regain its power.

All the negativity on the planet is there because humanity is regaining its ability to reconnect with the universe. The more the negativity, the more strength is built.

Everyone is in some kind of study. Regaining powers of incredible magic is intense and very difficult to handle. For example, say you created a city with your abilities. Then you see your lover with another person. Jealousy energies are ignited and you can’t handle it. You cause harm to both individuals, thinking that was the right decision, or, going even further, erasing them from existence by harming their family. Why did that happen? Because you can do anything at this level.

Not to say all Atlanteans did this…but it did happen on a wider scale. Irrational thinking absorbed the Atlanteans to a degree of insanity. Destruction of the planet was inevitable during the ancient times. Instead of the planet being destroyed, Atlantis was erased from history.

Not entirely as many of you have noticed. The pyramids are a signature of what was a great power source; a relic to remind you of your ancient ways. Humanity built the pyramids and influenced new cultures of life.

Abuse of power was inevitable as the Atlanteans experimented with technologies and new living conditions. The human as you know it was the final experiment and made into the final product of human that you see today.

With the help of the Annunaki and other species, the new human was phased in – another high- powered human that couldn’t handle its power. The only difference with this human was it could be turned off…and it was.

The current DNA within the human is still connected to Atlantean origins. The only difference is the majority of the power is on life support.

Humans that murder other humans are trying to reactivate themselves. Atlanteans had the ability to murder with a single thought. Humans were that powerful.

Are the reptilians truly manipulating humanity?

The manipulations are being allowed for teaching purposes. Attacks are also downloads, and being in this body is not easy. At this low dimension, nothing is easy. It’s either this or humanity causing harm to other alien life.

Not everyone wants to cause disruption, but there is enough in this world that will. Look at the current environment of the planet – not always a friendly place. Humanity is learning how to be responsible with its power.

The current learning environment is needed and was never meant to be easy.

How many worlds did the Atlanteans destroy? A great deal of planets.

Is this a child race? Humanity is being treated like a child because it behaved very badly in the past. The majority of alien species do not carry this DNA-like mixture. Think of all the drugs on the planet, all mixed into one product. Possessing superhuman abilities and able to move though the dimensions without a problem; God-like abilities that can easily be used to disrupt other worlds and even with a single thought can cause weather issues on another planet.

In the third dimension, at least, life is hell on this world.

Humanity has the ability to repower itself. A gradual move into the higher dimensions is being utilized. The road to the fifth dimension is very possible.

Does humanity really want this power? Most aren’t ready because of the current reality. This grade level is an introduction of what’s to come. If you pass the test, you can have an upgrade. If you use your upgrade for abilities of abuse, you get downgraded.

Atlantis energies are everywhere.

So, basically, the oversoul has a reason for the conflict in your life. Realize that the negativity in your life is a teacher, if you like it or not. The reasoning of it will never be clear. What matters most is that you find peace with yourself. Can you be alone? Can you go through stress and not get angry?

All these life trials are to improve yourself so you can handle the higher energies. Those that get constant attacks are here to speed up the process of the teachings, even if they feel they didn’t learn anything.

You dropped down into the third dimension to rise out of this dimension as a better person. Rise above the distractions and follow your heart. The oversoul allows these tests to improve the soul and create new soul contracts.

The major plan is never truly known. One test at a time and seeing the larger picture isn’t too important at this time. Connecting to telepathic energies and a heightened awareness of your spiritual surroundings will improve over time. The idea is to break open the timeline and let in new energies; a break from the third dimension and allowing fourth dimensional energies to heal the dimensional divide. The disconnect from spirit and the awakening of the third eye will occur. A trend of being more aware of your spiritual surroundings will be an everyday occurrence within conversations.

Can I handle being an Atlantean again? Can I reconnect with the universe and serve it well by using my powers in a mature manner? A reconnect to the earth’s core and a new belief system will be engineered. A new way of thinking will occur, with a clear understanding that the war among mankind is over.

The divide is no longer needed.

Realize that, as hard as it is to believe, everything in your life happened for a reason. The negative and the positive all have a place in your life. Does death really exist?

When the body breaks down and can no longer carry the soul, the soul is released back into the astral. So, in truth, there is no death. The soul lives on forever.

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