Interdimensional Shape Beings

Ever think about a reality where shapes were the dominant species?

Ever have a conversation with a box? Where do these shapes come from? They come from another universe where objects are king. Shapes of all kinds are constantly creating forms. A fluid reality where a box is king.

Where a box becomes a dominant species over other shapes.

Welcome to the fifth dimension.

This is an introduction to the box people. Think of a human with a box for a head. There are no features such as eyes or ears. Sure, you can place a hat on his or her head. The human body consumed the box world.

What is it? What to do with a human form?

You can call them the box people. Call them whatever you want. They have been watching your world for a very long time. Think of societies of humans with box heads, circle heads, triangle heads and so on.

Notice the skyscrapers on your planet are rectangle in shape. Is this some other dimension speaking to your world? Yes, it is.

As humanity evolves out of the prison mentality, you will see how fluid your world truly is. There are water worlds connected to your planet…fire worlds connected to earth and a snow universe tied to your dimension.

What are the triangle and box people trying to say to your collective?

Why do most of you live in a box-shaped house or apartment? The box is the most prominent shape on your planet. What are the box people saying?

Wake the hell up, humans.

Shape species connect to your planet to assist it as it evolves and returns to the astral realities. One day humanity will have a conversation with your home. Talk to the door and ask what dimension it comes from. Why did the door choose you?

The only way to free your society is to see the world for what it is.

Go even further. Why did you choose that particular restaurant or grocery store to choose your food? You might not believe this but the food itself was calling you to consume it. Ever have a conversation with a hamburger?

As you shift out of the third dimension, your reality will become more fluid.

In the early stages of your earth’s formation, the design of your future was foreseen. The dimensions that create the objects on your planet, such as chairs and buildings, were connected to your planet.

Mother earth brought in the energies she felt fit. Mother earth and mother god are technically the same thing. Realize a building is a portal to another dimension, which is no different than trees or grass. Humans on earth are the most inter-dimensional beings on the planet.

A soul cycle that is constantly in flux.

Earth was created in the Narrow Dimension, a hidden universe that was not fully explored during its time. Pockets of energy that had never been experienced before were brought to this universe. Remnants of other universes mixed into one.

Seen as a black hole, to give you an example of what it looks like in the third dimension.

As the earth was being broadcast to the universe, it was created in the shape beings connected to the earth’s consciousness, which at first caused a new wave of energy. This planet was something special.

It was like a chessboard with more layers that can extract energies to create new species that had never been seen before. New kinds of lizards and mice species were found on earth, along with new kinds of insectoids that had never existed before.

Realize these are all animals that formed with the earth and many are no longer here.

As humanity shifts out of the third dimension, the narrow dimension will become clearer to you. The shape beings are normally collectives. They stick together and create universes that will allow more movement and dimensional shifts.

Ever see a box planet or a pyramid planet in space?

The flat earth should get some attention. Earth connects to all dimensions. It’s all shapes and sizes that modern science could never explain.

Think of a world of only objects. They are moving around as they please. You can say living the simple life. The conversation is another story. They absorb each other’s energies. And when aliens connect to their worlds, all they see are objects everywhere.

Some objects are kind and some are not. Some like to play games with your technologies. Yes, you can get trapped on a planet like this. They have a way of opening your telepathic abilities to speak with you. Most shape worlds are kind, but some are not.

Shape beings can transform their energies so they look like the alien species that is visiting them. The design is in shape form, so it’s not an identical copy.

Ever feel unwanted in a building or a house? Sometimes it is the building itself that wants you to go. A past life with a house that didn’t go too well is very real.

The consciousness of the buildings on this planet is no different than the energies of nature. When people take mind-altering drugs, they connect to the outer dimensions that surround their planet or live within it.

A talking chair or talking wall shouldn’t bring any kind of surprise.

The square and rectangle shapes are most prominent on your planet. Currently, this form fits right into the structures of your society. As the energies of your reality increase to the fourth dimension, a shift will occur. The way you live your life will alter. Living in a circle house.

Teleporting the structure to another part of your world will be quite easy.

One thought on “Interdimensional Shape Beings

  1. Why did they choose human form instead of anything else? It’s surprising that anyone would want this body, maybe I’m alone on this and I don’t wanna offend anyone but our bodies suck, so why did they want that?


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